Dermatologist vs Acne Specialist

Why Choose an Acne Specialist Over a Dermatologist?

Most people will call a dermatologist when they have issues with their skin, which is a very logical first step. However, there tends to be a typical recommendation by doctors for acne. Usually, oral antibiotics, topical antibiotics, retinoids and sometimes benzoyl peroxide will be prescribed. These compounds all help to a degree, but not all are necessary (for example, antibiotics don’t kill P. acnes bacteria) and not all of them work (Retin-A cream, for example, contains pore cloggers).
Dermatologists mean well and want to help, they really just don’t have the time. They traditionally only devote 5 minutes to a patient and use a one-size-fits-all approach to acne, which doesn’t work for everyone. If those methods don’t work, doctors will often then prescribe isotretinoin (Accutane), which is very hard on the body and has a lot of pretty serious health risks. Most of these treatments are often discontinued because of irritation or other adverse reactions and the patient often becomes angry and frustrated.
Acne Specialist 
Acne specialists analyze the skin thoroughly and devise a series of acne treatments designed to initiate cellular regeneration to speed up the clearing process. 
The client is also put on a strict at-home product regimen to inhibit P. acnes bacteria growth, reduce inflammation and minimize dead skin cell build–up on the surface of the skin and inside the follicle, where acne initially forms.
Medications, diet, hygiene, sports activity, hair, makeup and skincare products that might be contributing to acne are all considered as part of the program.

Working with an acne specialist requires more effort from the acne client, who will be required to perform a detailed daily skin care routine to remain clear. However, for the thousands of clients who have acne which is resistant to other treatments, working with an acne specialist can be a life-changing experience.

At Diverse Skin Solutions & Acne Care, the goal is to get your acne clear and keep your skin acne free.

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